Why Lightwave: LIGHTWAVEs patented Red, Infrared & Blue Light therapy can dramatically revitalize your skin without any downtime or discomfort. Our innovative aesthetic treatments help counteract years of sun damage, environmental damage, aging, acne and acne scarring. LIGHTWAVE provides noticeable results, often in a couple of treatments, without the high cost and downtime of other more expensive treatment options.
What to Expect: LIGHTWAVE are safe, simple and easy. The amount of time you spend with your Esthetician may vary based on your individual skin care needs. You can expect an individual LIGHTWAVE treatment to take up to 30 minutes and allow for an additional 20 minutes for pre and post care. Its so simple and fast that may patients have treatments during a lunch break or on a quick stop on the way to or from work. However, the relaxing euphoric effect usually last throughout the day.
After the Treatment: Each individual responds differently; some notice changes much more quickly than others. The following principles are generalities; specific results will vary from client based on the client needs and lifestyle. The following protocols have been designed to address the most common requested treatments. Our treatments range between 8-30 minutes in duration.
Anti Aging
LIGHTWAVE proprietary LED light Therapy session (Red and/or IR Light) designed to
re-hydrate the face and increase collagen and elastin formation resulting in a reduction of fine lines and wrinkles. It aids in decreasing flaccidity, lifting sagging tissues and restoring skin tone and texture resulting in an overall improvement erasing years from the face. Ten treatments are recommended. Maintenance once a month or as needed can prolong the youthful appearance.
LIGHTWAVE LED light Therapy session (Red and/or IR Light) intended to improve discoloration caused by sun damage, chemical build-up, and chemical reactions from chemical peels, and excessive use of skin damaging products. This process normalizes the melanin within the skin and the age of the client. Severe conditions such as Melasma may be best treated with a combination therapy of topical ointments such as hydroquinone and/or IPL and/or laser followed by LIGHTWAVE Therapy.
LIGHTWAVE LED light Therapy session (Red and/or IR Light) uses powerful infrared and red light to stimulate the reduction of fibrotic tissue and the replacement of normal tissue. Clients usually notice softening of scar tissue. They also notice flattening and widening of the scar. This is a normal sequence in scar reduction. With several more session the flat, wide scar will become thinner and remain flat. Some scars may appear to be resistant to this program (hypertrophic and/or keloid). If this is the case, a customized LIGHTWAVE treatment protocol and/or additional treatment options many need to be considered.
Preventative Care
LIGHTWAVE LED light Therapy session (Red and/or IR Light) is designed to increase blood circulation and bring more nutrients to the skin's surface which helps to keep the skin from breaking down. It also helps to normalize dry or oily skin, achieving an overall improvement in skin tone and texture.
Mild to Moderate Acne
LIGHTWAVE proprietary LED light Therapy session (Red and Blue Light) designed to repair damaged skin and significantly reduce the P. acnes, the bacteria responsible for causing inflammatory acne vulgaris. 15 minutes of Blue light first enters the sebaceous glands and singlet oxygen is created. Singlet oxygen then in turn kills the bacteria. Next, the client is exposed to 15 minutes of red light. This acne treatment aids in the healing process of the skin and prevents infection and scarring from occurring.
For more information on any of the above treatments please contact Anna Christina Esthetics at 512.206.6151 and I'll be glad to help you get started with a no fee consultation. I'll see you soon!!!